Feeling guilty after not so productive day at work … an analogy struck me
Life is like an amusement park …
We have a sunny day (though clouds come and go … ) to spend in this park … to roam around, enjoy and explore, with ticket valid for one time …eventually evening will set … though it will come at different times for all of us….when it will come we will be asked to move out of the premises with hopefully very short or no notice…
There are many rides to ride … some easy some tough…., many stalls to go to and many shows to see …. We want to move quickly to cover them all…to live it all well…. before its time to go, in fact at times we try so hard to live life that we forget that the purpose is to learn new things, experience new feelings, enjoy…
Also when we do one ride …it seems easy and we are no longer scared…like board exams passed, traveling alone, relationships… but after successfully doing one(at times even before that …) we start thinking and worrying about the next…
At times, even getting to these rides is difficult...queues you see... :) .. Things depend on chance ... also on our hard work and perseverance....but most important is to enjoy what we are doing ... shout loud without inhibitions when we slide down...feel the wind on the face...be conscience on the falling and racing of heart beat... at times hold tight to the safety bar and at times let it go …
I have noticed one thing today, after i've read your blog.You use "at times" many times :-).
Sorry but no offensive.I feel life is not an amusement park for some.It can be miserable for some, it can be awesome for few,awful for some,challenging for some.Depends on indiviual situation and circumstances.Seeing this rushing life, running around for everything not living fully even that particular minute in life is making human beings life more miserabel,tension full and no peace of mind.I would like to complete my targets soon, buy a land in my village, open a business and enjoy nature in my lide day-in day-out rather than this meaning-less life.Ofcourse one of my goals is to find the purpose of my life.where is my happiness i mean real happiness in life.So,i feel life is a knowledge tree.So understand,live and explore each and every moment we live.Life is a beautiful experience,enjoy it.If its hard time then explore this to overcome it.Dont worry, one should not be productive every day,otherwise your boss will not have work to do.
Life can be fit into many paradigms. You can find justification for each of them. It can be a bus/train for some one, candle and many more things depending on how you want to see it.
On a lighter note, I feel that you should not go out of US section of this "Life" amusement park without enjoying "NY" ride :-)
Hi Anonymous...
I am not really worried bout the one day...but by the attitude of attaching timelines to life..
what would happen if i take 1 extra year to complete my studies, take time to switch jobs, fool around every now and then, revert decisions...take my own time getting married...
i mean...do we really have to take life so seriously that we miss the point of living it...
Yes life is not an amusement park…. it was over simplification of life and hangover of recently visiting an amusement park
I will like to take liberty of saying this that why do you want to slog and get your target fast to start living life…even this time is your life….absorb it, make the most of it ….the next ride may be better…when you are on this one…enjoy
Yes…. at times, I use at times, many times :)
Hi priti,
Ya, what you said is true. But if you dont keep up with the pace, then you will not stand out.Get better or someone will beat you.I have set some goals.To achieve them i need to work hard.At times i feel i want to stop for a while.Oops...even i started using "At times". :-). Wish i cud do the way you said.I feel very happy when iam achieving each step in my goal.But there r somethings which i like more...like sleeping,eating,driving n doing nothing else...I want to go back to days when kings used to ride horses and live in jungles etc...
I strongly believe that the pace of life is not defined by us…but when we see around…the speed with which other people are moving
So you think that makes any sense….the good dreams become our dream…we rank our achievements as per others forgetting their reasons, capabilities and situation are all different …
I am not saying what should be done…if I had a clue...believe me I would be better off
hey priti....hmmm i dont know.but i think the problem is with me,being too ambitious.but what to do, when i look into people like vivek paul,dhiru bhai etc etc...they all worked really hard to live their dreams in a short span...i have so many dreams,want to learn flying hmm...life is too short to do all of them.so now im planning one thing at a time.lets see how it goes...i guess u would have a clue atleast for 2row,what you have to do...:-).I have a clue for that, i need to sleep till 11am afternoon,getup n go for starbucks coffee...i think i need to slow down my pace a bit n enjoy life too while working on my things too...by the way, i guess you must be enjoying life alot...
I believe that *achievers* set their own pace in doing things. They never follow others' trail. They are trend-setters ; and they do this at their pace. So enjoyment plus achievement.
Dear Anonymous ...
Vivek PAul and Dhiru Bhai made dreams come true...because they worked hard and enjoyed life...You cannot do anything great without passion and you cant be passionate if you are not enjoy it...
flying is good…one of my friends did this...he went to the Denver to learn...give it a shot...you will never have all tasks handled, life in control and known time to spare for yourself so go ahead and do it…and believe me you will get a slot in your life for it….
Do things to sharpen your axe... it will improve your performance then just hard work...
Dear Priti,
Interesting!!I am very passionate about my dreams, but as you said i think i need to enjoy each dream while working on it.Yeah, i do things smartly :-) than hard work.Wow...then i think i need to give it a shot next year at denver for flying...Yes, i agree with you that vivek and dhiru were passionate about their work.But sometimes i feel,whats real happiness in life apart from all this materialistic things.Is this the real happiness what iam really looking for or is their anything else...Helping poor people is one more thing which really gives me lot of happiness.But were to start,how to go about i dont have a clue.i should start taking things one by one.As of now i thot, i would go ahead with few things till mid 40's and later i would take up social service and then work on philosophy...by the way nice sunset picture...do you like photography?
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