I took the public transport for the first time yesterday, here in Phoenix …I couldn’t help but notice the difference between the buses here and those in India … designated bus stops , no rush to board or descend the bus, everyone courteous and helping…
Most remarkable thing was not that there was a ramp they could lower for the physically handicapped people to board the bus, but the fact that the driver had a pair of gloves to do the same…one of the purposes being that pulling the lever would soil his hands…
On my fourth day of US, I went to a bank to open my account with them and was almost surprised by how well the process was explained to me, how patiently my questions were answered and how the bank employee wanted to talk about the world to me…. I am sure if Pande ji, the manager of the SBI bank in my hometown, got 10 customers on a busy day… he would have achieved better …
I could not, before making this comparison, comprehend the full impact of living in a country with high population…it not only stress on resources, it’s a lot of stress on its citizen’s too…
I believe more strongly then ever before, that our policy makers should work towards…getting the still high, growth rate of population under control, even though it is seen as a sensitive issue and something that may not be a vote-winner initiative. Also, vocational education, encouraging adoption and to associate the population/birth control with health care and not culture/traditions…unlike withdrawing the sex-education from schools in various states, in recent past… must be done at the earliest…
Yep.thats true! Check this out with the buses in shanghai,somewhat better than our country...
I think all western nations have such good facilities...more than the population, the people's self-respect and culture also make a lot of difference...England and USA will still be pleasantly livable even with a billion plus population...population is just a strong excuse for the inflexibility in mindset...
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