It’s so interesting to climb a mountain…facing the challenges, defying the gravity, making your own path through the mundane rocks, facing the failure, finding alternatives to the destination….. each step towards the destination comes with hope, sense of purpose, learning, enrichment…
When one reaches the top…and once the ecstasy sets in you realize how much more difficult it is, to stay over at the top…one that the expectations have increased and secondly, the work and effort is not so evident now…
Consistency is what the Australian team lived today at the finals of the Cricket World Cup…they were so good, and promised such a performance…that hardly any one doubted their success even before the tournament started, and secretly hoped that Sri Lanka would pull an upset and set them back as mortals… which of course never happened.
They have proved, beyond doubt...then they know how to excel…consistently…
hmmm....true!But rain ruined the final match :-(.
I know...
Australia deserved a smoother train of events...
btw not only rain...the confusion between the admins and umpires and all that confusion on the rules...
It was confusion,you can its a mess...:-).
It was not like a World-cup. I felt ICC should consider geographical location before they organize any such big events. Carribean was not a good choice with such pathetic grounds and picthes. :-).
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