In many sections of Indian society, couples on their sixtieth wedding anniversary, get married again. Along with, a generally extended family, a lot of mixed experiences of life and earned wisdom, they redo their vows.
I believe that’s exactly what India should do on the Sixtieth Independence day.
I believe the real threat to India is not from the terrorist but the fundamentalist; not from the criminals but those who resort to destroy public property as a mark of protest on any and every issue; not from law-breakers but from people who have made finding loop-holes in law and manipulate witnesses; not from the corrupt bureaucrats but those who do not raise a voice against them; not hideous politicians but those who refuse to vote out of the despondency of the situation.
I think the seven vows that we need are, based on the experiences of last 60 years.
Vow 1: First and foremost we should safeguard the most precious thing called democracy. All political party should be made to follow rules like not inciting violence, respect secularism and law. Any violation to these laws should result in dissolution of the party by the election commission.
Vow 2: The judiciary, which on more then one occasion have proved as the sanest and most unbiased institution in the company, should work to come up with a process to dispose the cases at the earliest. Because we have seen over and over again that justice delayed is justice denied.
Vow 3: The education at schools should be overhauled to prepare students for self-employment rather then university education. The current system of education is single handedly responsible for the blooming service industry and crashing agriculture.
Vow 4: We should do everything to stop the rise of caste-based divide. This divide was caused by reservations in modern times, hence they should be discontinued immediately, except for reservation in education institutions and jobs based on physical (and if possible, few types of mental) disabilities.
Vow 5: Women need to be empowered. I strongly believe, the way to empower them is not be any reservation but by making the society very safe for them. Neither their parents nor they should miss opportunity because some job, some area or some city is not safe. The laws to safeguard them should be strictly implemented and any case involving crime against women should be solved with in a year, to help the victim carry on with her life.
Vow 6: Growth of population need to be addressed with punishments like loosing promotion and loosing government jobs, some incentive for girl child can also be planned. Not more then two children should be allowed per family baring exceptions.
Vow 7: India in my view took a great decision in the past of being member of group of non-aligned nation in the past. It should once again lead the world, in terms of opinion and guide the world away from the big brothers who are immature and whimsical and patronize nations and they only damage the peace of the planet.
Some one thought, motivated, worked, suffered and even died for the freedom with which we live, think, dream and express today. Long live Independent India!
Happy Independence Day!!
Washington state recognized indian independence day as "India Day" seeing population of over 50,000 indians in washington state itself.
I am sure no one in the current generation wants more than 1-2kids per family because of rising education and cost of living, donations. I guess government should start free primary education which might help most of the lower middle class people.Cost of living raised in india and people are spending alot. Infact people are going in debts without notice by buying cars with ease.The debt ratio is more than the half of their salaries. Paying 25k for cars per month. India changed alot. Now, indian people in US and other countries think alot when spending unlike people in india. Because, there is no value for 1crore any more. You might end up just getting a flat for 80lakhs after you save 8-10yrs living in US. Only thing what i see to be changed is the public voice, corruption and community driving the countries future.
Right time for India to re-vow. Rightly said.
too gud ....
one suggestion from my side ...
thres a invite from Times to enter into politics ...
try that ...
u stand a chance to win Rs. 50 lakhs and entry into John F Kennedy school for political exposure and then u hav t all in ur hands to take d nation ahead ;-)
wat say ?? ;-)
atleast fill in the form yar ... plzzzz ....
Vow 1. Any system that rates a moron as equal to a genius has its evident drawbacks. But a system like democracy that values two morons more than one genius is doomed.
Vow 2. A judiciary can only be as good as the laws of the land. Uphold the judiciary in a country where something as basic as property rights are different for men and women? NEVER.
Vow 3. Very farcical priti that the blooming service industry is what you work for.
Vow 4. The discontinuance of reservation will increase the caste-based divide, not stop it.
Vow 5. Making society safe for women is the only point we will agree upon. Would have point 1 in my list actually.
Vow 6. The rate of population growth is probably the one thing that will work in India's favour in the long run. A country that has half the population of the world is surely a force to reckon with.
Vow 7. Impartial as between the fire and the fire-engine? Non-alignment was a great idea when there were strong economic and military reasons for not being seen to overtly supportive of either Russia or America. As of now, refusing to take sides between an aggressor and its victims stinks of a deficiency of moral fibre.
Well written jingoism, priti, but you can do better than this.
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