Friday, June 25, 2010

Are you married?

I don’t know if I am the only one, but I find this question offending.

How can an acquaintance, a friend or a colleague be impacted by someone’s marital status? And how does something as personal as relationship become an acceptable introductory or lets-catch-up question?

Marriages or relationships are not an achievement or symbol of progression in life….Also if you are involved with someone’s life you will be aware of such status, if the individual finds it important for you to know you will be informed of the same… but why ask…

By the way questions do not stop at marriage....there is a sinister series… if you confirm you are married you are asked if you have kids; if you confirm you have a kid, you are asked when you will complete the family … and then people wonder why India has a population problem.

There seems to be masked intolerance to anomalies of the established norm of matrimony and procreation. And more then that, a right to provide unsolicited advice on the matter.

I know I sound weird. But in my humble opinion individuality and privacy needs to be respected. Regular probing is irritating. The offensive part comes from the recognition that its not only idle relatives and nosy neighbors but contemporaries; people who have a life to live, world to discover, truth to find and answers to seek … answers to questions bigger then “Are you married?”.


sAndY said...

"people who have a life to live, world to discover, truth to find and answers to seek … answers to questions bigger then “Are you married?”.."

cos questions on YOU so much more easier to deal wid than questions on ME.. :)

~fannan said...

Poor people, they're just trying to gauge the extent of your problems :)

Avinandan said...

What about strangers on train journeys who behave as if they have known you for years. Long time since I actually went on a long train journey. But I remember I always carried a book, a walkman and a grim expression to avoid "friendly" people. "How many brothers and sisters do you have? Where do you go to school? Are you writing IIT JEE? what does your father do?" He sumggles drugs across the Nepal border.

Rose R said...

Tell me about it! :)

Kiran said...

Neat.. so who asked u this question? ;-)

Prady said...

People who have a wife to find, alliance to discover and answer to seek... answer to question "Are you available?" :D