Friday, July 09, 2010

Use the Abuse

Parents are good... uhhh actually great but they don’t preach and teach perfectly all the time … They were dead wrong when they told you not to abuse.

Abuse is the best way to relieve stress. You don’t even have to say it out loud and be foul-mouth, you can just think it in your head and be a foul-head :) or write it down and be a foul-finger :D … But there is no better feeling then calling an A**H***, an A**H*** even if it’s in your head.

Plus you can come up with your own adjectives and spellings. When I meet a real jerk, I call them a “Jerk with a G“, makes no sense but I express perfectly to my self :)

Don’t feel guilty, people deserve it like a team member who takes your personal number because he is also a friend and then call you for work issues when you are at home. Tell me the best way to express this without “the therapeutic words” yes these are not bad words but help words …

Key words like hate, murder and phrases like “chop and fry” in reference to people and “land mine” in reference to work can be added to the vocabulary to help express the bitter realities of life.

Life is F***ed up and you are s****ed…Its easier to live through the same by admitting :D


~fannan said...

Dead right. If not ab use then kab use.

NIHA said...

Couldn't agree more.... abuses are underrated :( ... And know what..... try the hindi ones.. they rock!!

sAndY said...

"wen ever u giv.. giv it whole heartedly... pooore dil se!! "

they preach right.. ;)

Kiran said...

like I say, life is a lot less frustrating when you have a choice of words.. ;)