Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Love Your Carbs

I am the biggest advocate for carbohydrates …

Carbs are happy food. Food is not happiness but happiness and celebrations are associated with food and feasts. But not just any food…

Pumpkin pie represents thanksgiving and rum cake Christmas. Which holiday is represented by kale juice and avocado salad? After a breakup who eats a bunch of lettuce and which game is watched drinking green tea. Wedding vows are not followed by a meal of granola bars and Fruits are not cut to mark birthdays. Comfort food seldom comprises of carrots and celery.

Why deny that potato is delicious in any form? Flour and rice are best entrees, adding meaning to all vegetables and meats. Cake, noodles, bread, pita, parathas, chips are all possible because of flour and rice. Sugar is inevitable and represents all that is good in life.

Life is not unfair. It has a lot to offer, until some of you subscribe to health magazines and start counting your calories J


Swati Handa said...

I do love my carbs :) Nothing can take the joy of eating khichdi away from me !!

Priti said...

My love is called "french fries" :)