Friday, June 28, 2013

Introducing: My Alter Ego

My creative partner Manu and I were talking about writing some original quotable quotes, so he suggested I should think and write as my alter ego. Of course, he thinks I am all kind of crazies, with all possible psychological doodles in my brain. But this one I am not or should I say, I was not.

I went to the fountain of knowledge (Wikipedia) and found “An alter ego (Latin, "the other I") is a second self, which is believed to be distinct from a person's normal or original personality”. And started the Godisque effort of creating someone from my imagination, Joe Weed(adding a googled pic to help visualization; similarity with any Hollywood superstar is unintentional).

Let me introduce Mr. Joe Weed to you. His eyes have a stillness, a peace, a non-judging, non-calibrating, non-needing, non-seeking, non-longing simple vision; a vision to see through the smoke of everyday clutter, through the screen of fake busyness, images, beauty, faces to impartially observe life; his words speak to express facts as they are without the robes of kindness, political correctness, compulsion to be understood or agreed with; his heart harbors no hurt, looks through joys and walks away from pain, he can tear apart from jealousy, acceleration of successes, despondency of failure, itch of despair and has mastered the ability to forgive in order to stay free. His mind is beautiful. He does not worry about his future or the future of his loved ones. He doesn’t relive the past. He thinks simple, unattached thoughts, observed analysis, no affiliations and no restrains.

He is wise enough to know that the life need not be hoarded, be scared of or be in awe with; naïve enough to be excited at its unfolding and skillful enough to sit beside it, enjoying the company.

I can’t wait to get to know him better. He seems worthy of my headspace.

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