Saturday, November 01, 2014

(Wo)Man Vs Food

Man Vs. Food is my favorite TV show.

Food, water, shelter and books are four most basic needs for survival. But at times its the excess and not the dearth that is challenging.

Water and books can safely be overindulged in. But we need to be careful with Food and Shelter. Mortgage acts as self correcting element to save us from superfluous shelter, and leaves just some celebrities so that loony magazine will have something to feature.

Food however is complicated. 

Oktoberfest Food Fest
Food is cheap, abundant, diverse, almost everywhere, associated with happiness, celebration, sadness and boredom...And Boy difficult to utilize with the life style comprising of long office hours, big TV's, frozen food and a button to hit to get everything done. 

Food and its affordability becomes an intricate puzzle to solve a couple of times a day, everyday ... to indulge just right. While the fight between what the body needs and mouth wants continues, there is a always a mountain of insatiable cravings.  

Food experience is amalgam of what the eyes see, nose smell and tongue tastes ... and with so much forbidden ...Adam Richman ( along with iron chefs, celebrity chefs , home chefs and many others) provides 1/3rd of the experience, in the healthiest possible way.

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