Saturday, November 28, 2015

Couch Activism

I will burn in hell if I ever condemn social media. It gives us a mythical and endearing mirage of society. It helps us to see what we crave for ... friends liking us,  appreciation of our creativity, respect and need for our opinion and somehow makes our words sound clever.

I am an animal and human right supporting, environmentalist ... living a vegetarian lifestyle while chasing the unicorn of loving, peaceful, tolerant, just mankind living on a green, pollution and war free earth. Proof you may ask, check my Facebook,Twitter,Instagram and blog. 

We propagate our thoughts, land our support, oppose vehemently what we do not believe in from the hideout out of our couch, keyboard as our tool, words/like buttons/emoji's as our weapons and hope to make a difference. Just because we are on the couch does not make it easy, we feel strongly, we hurt deeply, we love and lend support obsessively. We, well some of us, even think.  

What we do not do, is stop ourselves forming and displaying opinions. Vivid, graphic, heart felt opinions. Like some of us support tolerance to the extend that we become viciously intolerant to ones we perceive as intolerant or support forests to a level that we support criminal uprooting of villages and tribes for forest sustenance, support victims of a war enough to support the execution of anyone clouded by the doubt of being a perpetrator.

Life is simple of the couch. Words are clear. Intentions pristine.

We do not have to deal with the murky and the grey. We do not deal with human nature. Its easy to love people than live with them. Its easy to fight for a fair world free of power hungry dictators when seeking power is a form of and not necessarily distinguishable, from seeking respect, faith and followership. Its easy to seek end of terrorism, while there may not be a big difference between terrorists, freedom fighters and hell, even crazy activists. You can support end of a war, without thinking that it will take a war to end that war and  that war that will be needed to end the war will need warriors, who may loose their limb, life or minds. They will, only because people are good and bad, motives are good and bad, reasons are good and bad, justice is good and bad, weapons are good and bad; create new reasons for a new war.

How many of these opinions that we live by, talk by, believe by, argue by, seethe in... will make us make a banner and stand at the street corner or shout slogans in a rally, or participate in an uprising or fight or even die.

This is a tough question. Let me seek the answer, which may warrant a new, more comfortable couch and a better coffee maker. Let me pull the blinds on the window so I shall not be distracted by the view of the world while I save it.


Dhinvira said...

Couch activism ... you are kind of making even social media sound way too simple. Couch activism has already caused quite a few revolutions. The problem is , like all other media, slowly you have a niche set of players who are now specializing in social behavior constructs. By playing with their game , with as little as 140 characters, they have been successful in toppling govts. Yes, we are not doing what we should - making the right opinions. While in many cases the good opinions helped, the bad ones are here to stay.

The best part is - its the social media which helps you make an opinion, helps you change it , helps you destroy it as well. Best part.. you choose how deep to delve into to decide what you think it is. you are no longer restricted to the awesome editorials which made people think a couple of generations ago.

Priti said...

Well said bro!! thanks again for reading...