Sunday, May 24, 2020

X stages of Quarantine - Part 1

Wooohooo!!! I finally found the use of Algebra!!! My friend X came to return the favor of representing the unknown, for the million times I found value in him.

So let me tell about the stages I have unearthed so far.

Stage 1: Denial
  • Information Vortex: We watch news like our life depends on it. No. We read, hear, see, breathe and think news. We hang on to every statistics, graph , date published about any aspect of the pandemic, for any geographical location. We look for patterns, predictions and possibilities, to take back control of our lives.
  • We hoard food as if the markets will become empty soon, because the empty aisles haunt us. And then stress eat all the hoarded food.
  •  We still dress up for working from home, postpone setting up a home office or buying gym equipment. We wait for "it to be over" to shop anything except essentials.
  • We count days, hour, minutes and seconds to get back to normal.

Stage 2: Realization
  • Renounce Information: The romance with information comes to an abrupt end. We soon realize that scientists and doctors are dealing with a new virus and know little. But as news channels line-up for a sound bite, they say anything and everything that comes to their mind. Politicians are still their evil self. While people die, there are country premier's, preparing and focusing on reelection, privatization, indulging in corruption, circumventing judiciary, causing conflict and redefining the boarders along with hollowing democracies
  • We start respecting and rationaining food. The respect for expiry dates,  best buy dates or five second rules vanish. We want to be effective and efficient with food not only because stepping outside is very uncomfortable; But Also because we see the future supply of food dwindling. We take solace is cooking.
  •  We accept the futility of changing cloths to work from home.  Or combing hair. We plan to change our lives to contain it in the safety of our homes.
  • you not only loose hope to return to the normal, you question how good was the "normal" life 
This is where we are.

I do not know how many more stages will emerge or what they will look like. But I sure hope that end result include these
  • Reduce the wasteful activities, specially if it hurts the environment. Simple things like "fashion". Fast fashion hurts the environment more than it fixes one's low self esteem. Or activities like going out with family to enjoy "family time", something which a lego set can do very well at home
  • Drive less.  
  • Denounce all day news channels.
  • be kind! 
  • Use our money to give donation instead of tithes. 

P.S. : Thoughts and observations of a fortunate and privileged individual with no urgency to walk hundred's of miles, struggle as an unwanted refugee, deal with civil wars, conflict or violence, face religious persecutions or be old enough to be accepted as a sacrificial lamb to the God's of wall street.

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