Sunday, January 13, 2008

Not a Nano Issue

The Ratan Tata 1 lakh car, brought joy of the common man.
But why?
Because prosperity is associated with owning a four wheeler? Or because a developed country is the one with many & only cars on the road?
The problem is not the nano car, the congestion on roads and not even the threat to the environment. It’s a mindset and lack of foresight of Indians. With the kind of population India has, the best and most prosperous mode of transformation can only and only be the public transport.
An efficient and safe public transport is very fuel efficient, control damage to the environment with access fuel emission. It also prevents the government from spending disproportionately on the big cities in the name of infrastructure development.
India and Indians need to stop looking towards the developed countries to define development and affluence. Different set of positives and negatives define us, population being the one most important deciding factor.


Deepak Gupta said...

Nano is one of the cars which is again a bone of contention. Its not the ultimate solution, but i still feel , Nano will have same fate as Reva. You will see them often , but cant say its a hit. Tata take up this as pilot project and define the future of small scale cars in india

Deepak Gupta said...

and yes , the issue again is correctly mentioned as we trying to ape the developed countries , rather defining what is developed.

Anonymous said...

regarding pollution im of strong opinion that the current fleet of public transport vehicles will be adding more to pollution than NANO!!!
come to trivandrum and i'll give you proof :)
and one more thing..its will reduce the two wheeler accidents on the road. which means reduced medical expenses and increase avg life expectancy in india :)
If NANO fuels to the increase of 4-wheelers on road, atleast then authorities will be hard pressed for the infrastructure development!

ranjith.krish said...

deepak i think Nano will not end up like reva. reva could not move the indian commuters because of the problems with its power source. the technology is still not matured as of now.
Bajaj is also launching a small car now...which indicates that this is a sector which we can expect to grow.

ranjith.krish said...

im not telling that public transport should not expand. It should and so should great innovations like Tata NANO and Bajaj LITE.

Priti said...

I do not agree that public transport adds to pollution....
Delhi air is much much better after metro... you cant have emmision coughing autos in the name of public transport ...

Anonymous said...

saddi deilli is D best