Writer’s block is a deceptive concept. You get Writer’s block not when you run out of ideas or inspirations to write, but when there are too many ideas seeking your attention. Following are few of the waves in my brain
Wave 1: How can one talk about sports? There is nothing more action associated and spontaneous then it; then how can one do a pre & post analysis of the same.
Wave 2: Why anything that we seek and we get, seem so mundane?
Wave 3: In case when a situation goes wrong, like partners splitting, roommates fighting etc; how come all sided sound equally wronged and aggrieved?
Wave 4: It is difficult to subjectively access a creative work, is this why taking up a profession dealing with creativity, so difficult?
Wave 5: Do people who are focused have lack of communication and articulation skills? Or because people lack these skills they do not waste time and stay focused?
Wave 6: Why India emulates US without considering the population and its Attitude? Just came back from Reliance Fresh, the lines at the cash counter are unusually long as people peep into the computer used for billing to confirm the rates and offers…
Wave 7: Why movie makers experiment so little more? It has been more than a month to a movie hall. :(
Wave 8: Why is there an urge to proliferate?
Wave 9: Why now celebrities are denied vices like smoking also, along with a personal life?
Wave 10: Do you love some one more by tattooing his/her name on your arm?
Wave 11: Why do we only talk about irrigation, when another imperative duty of the rain gods is to save my cricket team from a defeat?
Wave 12: Why marriage is the only time bound relationship? Never heard people saying that I should have had twelve close friends by this age …
Good one.
my answers...
1. there is pre and post analysis cause due to the spontaneous nature analysis during the game isnt possible.
2. we have a devil inside us that needs stuff.. and a child that gets fed up soon
3. you answered it your self situation went wrong not the ppl.. hence every corner and side seems wrong.
4. even to criticize or in general understand something u need brains.. and infact not just brains .. u should have enough to know what the other person was thinking while creating it. Hence i think art is not difficult but the way u see it makes it either something petite or something great. p.s. i hate monalisa i like women with perfect curves,.... love artistic drawings of eve though.
5. i think work speaks for it self.. communication becomes unnecessary if ur work matters.
6. I believe if they also emulate the professionalism its gonna help alot and dont worry slowly ppl will get used to computers.
(i hate reliance fresh.. kills many sabzi walas .. ya u can call me old fashioned)
7. Watch Shabd if u havent u might like it.
8. some think its necessary to survive.
9. if there are lesser ppl smoking the cigarettes are gonna be cheaper.. and i need cheap cigarettes so i dont care what happens to celebrity.. they are celebrities cause ppl made them that.. so pay the price for it.
10. its to let them know.. that u love..(although i am against it.. dont like concept of love much... its rather a need u have to normalize ur self cause if feels good when some one is concerned abt ur worries although its none of their business and concern hand help companionship takes the name of love...its a bad thought but i dont demand ppl to think what i think i am not a "celebrity")
11. i would say i just love rain .. its messy, smells great.. and above all eating pakoras is fun when its raining.. (whiskey aint too bad either)
12. a persons thought is time bound not the marriage ... fear of running times takes over the stuff..
let me know what u think i like reviving my thoughts..
i know i am a pathetic writer.. no need to make faces.. hehe..
enjoy life!!!
thinking is for educated ppl.. although not thinking makes life much easier...
1:20 AM
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