Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why So Serious? ...

As a kid I always believed that job was the perfect redemption for studies...

People with jobs like my parents, were not confined to uniforms, had flexible timings, were not bound by home work or exams, relaxed during evenings & weekends and enjoyed the ultimate perk of getting salary at the end of the month

But by the time I grew up someone changed the rules of the game…

Today earning money has become a stressful, nerve-racking, overwhelming and uncomfortable exercise. There are teams like “Work Life balance” aboard. When work is the application of ones education and experiences assisted by his/her aptitude and attitude, then how can it be any different from life? But it is…

Recruitment is a bond of slavery and Pink slip is the end of the world. Between them you find Work hours which refer to the maximum duration you can work without breaking down and Deadlines which are the unrealistic expectation set by others that must be treated as indisputable laws.

Competency is how much you can make yourself uneasy while easing lives of people around you. Sincerity is your ability to take calls from the hospital where your ailing father is admitted. Promotions refer to an overrated change in your title which gives you a false sense of progress. Pay hikes are the only way to keep you enticed. Caffeine is now a necessity and retirement is the age, most of us may not reach. Job satisfaction is definitely a myth.

What happened to creativity, expression, signature, individuality, empathy, sensitivity and sensibility at work? Why is a wrong sense of competition inculcated to extract more then plausible performance from an individual? Why accept a term called “Human Resources” and dwarf a persona to a profit generation aide? Why your boss can look you in the eye and say “Don’t think about quitting, it’s same everywhere.”? Why this mad rush to burn ourselves from both end for the proverbial “successful career”?

… And why I relive the same feeling of relief as I walk out of my office, that I used to feel at the end of my classes at school…


Satish said...

Things in life always come a full circle and you are where you were eventually at some point.. Global warming has caused, among other things, shrinkage of that circle. People come back to the same point in life sooner than they used to in our parents generations..
The heat has absorbed the juices of creativity and enthusiasm leaving behind the tasteless drudgery and monotony that life stands to have become.
Blame it all on Global warming.

Sneha Madinur said...

As kids we couldnt wait to grow up and now that we are the so called grown ups..we want to go back to the days that were. there is no end to what we humans want...sometimes we want IT from within, sometimes we want IT coz other want IT for us, sometimes we want IT coz other want It for themselves...there is no end..! 'contentment' is not existing in the vocabulary these days.
Why so Serious indeed? enjoyed reading this one..has put me in contemplative mood.

sAndY said...
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sAndY said...

aaals cool as long as de last lines LAST.. ;)

"I relive the same feeling of relief as I walk out of my office, that I used to feel at the end of my classes at school..."

(only less of a "relief" n more of a "YIPEEE OUTTA DER !!" )

Unknown said...

True.But we are not happy when not working.So I think the unhappiness is within. Cannot blame anyone or global warming.Our parents knew how to be happy and satisfied, we don't.No one to blame but us.We like burning at both ends and even more-complaining

Rajat Raghav said...

Well I guess the so called "Work Life Balance" which an organization should look after for their employees is just on books. I think it's up to us to maintain that. Going by the current trend I guess it's all Work and no life.

~fannan said...

I bet things will remain the same until we dare doing what we love to do. Balancing the boat should come naturally.

$ O M @ said...

Truth - Work has be come life and life has become only work !

Flow seems very applicable :)

BTW, RCA is good. Is the Fix is whole IT redeployment ? :P ...

Fighter said...


Heavy stuff

comeone take a break and go to Goa.. I did that last month ..

I believe life is nothing but a series of choices ..

in the middle of reading "The Monk who sold a Ferrari" the message is exactly same

I completely agree we need to get beyond this herd mentality of working to death just because of peer pressure


rajujose said...

"Why your boss can look you in the eye and say “Don’t think about quitting, it’s same everywhere.”? "..Its very true ji!! I realized it :P
This one is a heavy one...I have been thinking about the points you have mentioned here and at one point of time, I even thought of quitting this IT industry!! Since I do not know anything other than tapping the keyboard, I was forced to come down to earth and of course,"why I relive the same feeling of relief as I walk out of my office, that I used to feel at the end of my classes at school"