Saturday, August 08, 2015

Greater Purpose!!

Humans are not just meant to eat, drink and sleep. These rituals of survival by themselves, defy the purpose of survival.

To be a hero, to do a greater good is a need of existence. In most cultures this need is fulfilled by nurturing a family. It is easy to play a hero to one’s offspring and make sacrifices. It is also, infinitely fulfilling to see them successful and happy. It is like the smallest unit of being a campaigner.

Most people seek a bigger purpose in life when the small campaigns of family are over or do not exist. It is also when another purpose is over whelming like when ones country, race or religion is threatened, something challenging ones existence.

Today the campaigns to champion for are minimal. They are too trivial, too distant, too polarized, too big or too unfathomable. It is difficult to give your all for bee keeping, to free Ukraine from Russia’s annexation,  political ideologies where hero become villains just too quickly, ISIS or human trafficking.

Another issue with finding a purpose is the number of forums in which these purposes can be discussed, advertised, argued and dissuaded from. There is a meaningless pandemonium of people looking for a  purpose and making mockery of those who have found one or at times just trivializing a purpose in arrogance, because they think their purpose to be bigger and better. After the Zimbabwean lion was murdered in the name of game, people posted pictures of dying kids and seeking outrage for what they thought to be a bigger cause.

But a lot of today’s campaigns are run from the couch, from the safety of ones house. There is outrage, emotional distress and deep thoughts resulting in signing of virtual petition on Facebook or a tweet war or discussion on personal and moral lives of celebrities. Day jobs are seldom resigned; war, demonstrations, diseases and police atrocities seldom faced; savings are seldom parted from; wounds are hardly ever inflicted or received or nursed and real difference very seldom made.

May be its the need of this purpose that makes us itchy and unsatisfied? May be there are no issues with our job, location, cars, roommates and cable provider? We may just be wandering in absence of a problem; a problem which by its unsolved existence, will solve the problem of our higher calling.

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