Friday, September 07, 2018

Confessions of a Serial Killer

 Yup!! This is the point where you squint and say "I always knew something was off about that girl!!"

I kill not because I hate them but because I love them. But they don't love me back!!

And yes I have a type. I can't resist chlorophyll.

And again yes!! It is because of my family. It is really tough to be born in a family where everyone has a green thumb. My mom still squeals like  a little girl when new flower buds show up. And my sister shares more pics of her the plants in her garden than the humans in her life. Dad takes his watering duties more seriously than his health.

I am the only brown sheep of the family. And I can't stop buying and killing plants.

I have killed because I left them out, I brought them in, they were small, they were big, I didn't give them water, I over watered, they were tropical, they were for  damn succulents, they were in water management pots, they were in terracotta pots, they were in clay pots, they were fruits, they were decorative, they were hardy arizona locals ... oh there were vines, there were shrubs and those miniature roses... aaarrrggghhhh!

I am currently in process of killing a jasminum whose pic made dad glee with hope" This is robust. It will live" .... sigh. oh i potted and repotted and changed soil and watered and moved it out and then moved it in .... and its pretty much gone.

I know its easy to blame it on the desert, but then succulents should have lived. I can blame it on the sun, but some of them have been house plants that never left the insides of my home. I blame insects but i have the best organic neem oil protection ever made. So, I have stopped blaming and embraced my killer instincts.

I go through the garden section/nurseries , checking and buying only the plants i have not killed yet as if the others are conquered territories.

An addiction is seriously problematic if while confessing and acknowledging, you actually get inspired to act on it. So while penning this blog I went and bought 2 new plants. Please feel free to ask me in two weeks, how they died.

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