Even creator of a Spiderman fiction is not mighty enough to deal with all human emotions in 2 hours and 20 min, prove their main character as ordinary and super hero at the same time, add enough romance to keep people entertain, give enough work to his special effects team and yet make a good movie….
The problems with super hero sequel movies are that they have a template like the hero have defined heroics, must win in the end (in fact in a super hero movie they can only be creative with the villain), kill bad guys, save his lady and yet be different from the previous block buster.
All in all Spiderman 3 did not meet my expectation because, though the creators tried to add new dimensions to the super hero, but they failed in making a gripping movie, making audience crave for what they came to see the movie for…
My single biggest crib with the spiderman series has been that they do not do justice to the wise-cracking super-hero of the comic strip. Spiderman wasn't supposed to be cute and lovable. He was meant to be a kick-arse. He was supposed to be "not as gloomy as batman"; "not as goody-two-shoes as superman" and " not as humourless as Captain America. He was supposed to be the "cool" superhero. None of the movies come close to portraying that.
I feel that spiderman 3 would be a big hit.Not because of his heroic stunts to save his girl n the world ofcourse.But the creativity of his new brand of a new color of spiderman suite of Black.The kind of branding they come-up with is awesome.Red-with-Blue earlier which has been like toys coming up with same theme,what not.Just by a simple color combination,it made lot of difference.I think now the color black is hated by most of kids here whom i met,since the black color suite is a -ve role for spiderman.And the kids started hating the color black.What a direct impact!!Imagine,indian bollywood movies, coming up with such a kind of branding for indian movies which will release new toys which portray a super-hero...I have never seen till now in bollywood except such stupid crap of same old love stories,etc etc...
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